Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Not Getting The Job
Life can truly be unfair at times. We all have things that we want, but hey...that doesn't mean we will get it. I for example, just a couple of weeks ago had an interview for this great job. It was working in the human service field which is something I went to school for and always wanted to do. Well folks I made it past my first interview and got a call back for a second interview. Which really wasn't an interview at all, just me chating with the employee who was to be leaving the position I was trying to get. Everything went great, they said that they really liked me, and I'd hear back from them as they would have their decision in a couple of days. Well a couple of days later I got an email stating how I didn't get the position, and it was a tough choice between me and someone else, but that the other person was a better fit. Well you can imagine my devastation. I mean if there was ever a job I wanted it was this one. I usually don't let failure or getting turned down get to me. But on this particular occassion I felt like crying. You know those reality shows where people compete to win and when they are booted off they breakdown...yeah I definetely see how they now feel. I thought I had everything in the bag. I was fustrated, because I had been looking for a job for a couple of months and it seemed like nothing was going right for me. I submitted my resume to so many places and nothing. I thought this job was mine, and all that hard work of looking for a job would now pay off...but boy was I wrong. I had to pick my head up and just keep going. There are so many things in life I want achieve, that letting some employer who didn't hire me kill those dreams is just plain crazy. I've learned that you have to turn rejection into motivation. Not everyone, will see how great of an asset you are and how much you can bring to the table. I happen to look young for my age so alot times I have to go that extra mile to prove myself. Let's face it interviewers are judgmental. I had an interviewer once, ask me if I would have a problem telling people what to do, because I looked so young. It can be fustrating knowing if you looked a certain way you might have a better chance at getting a position. But, knowing that it's always the employer loss when they turn you down, and you know deep down in side you're the best, is a reason to celebrate. Who wants to work for anyone who can't see talent when it's staring them right in their face? Not me. I want to work for a company or organization that has a team of talent, and not just a team of people who physically fit in to their company's criteria.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Get Some Organization In Your Life
Clutter can clutter the mind. Making it hard to concentrate and focus on important things. We all are disorganized in some way or another unless we are a complete neat freak. Organizing your life can be one of the best things you do for yourself. When you live and work in a totally disfunctional space, its hard to accomplish tasks and you waste time. If your desk at work is a complete mess or in your home office, nine times out of ten you probably are always searching for things when you need to find it. Thus, slowing up how much you can get done in one day. If your room is a complete mess, chances are it takes you a longer time to get ready for work than someone who has a clean room. You can begin to organize your life, by getting rid of all the trash you've managed to collect over the years that serve no point in your life anymore. Clean your living quarters so that you can manage day to day life better. I bet once you become clutter free, you will feel like you've just lifted a weight off your shoulder, and like you've started a new chapter in your life.
Love Your Body
People come in all shapes in sizes. Learning how to love your body can be a hard thing to do. Especially, when the media feeds us with unrealistic perceptions of what beauty truly is. Whether you're a size 2 or 22, embrace your body. A good way to begin loving your body, is by starting to treat your body with respect. This means eating healthy and excercising regularly. Once, you lay a healthy foundation for yourself you will begin to feel good about who you are. Stop buying into what you see in magazines and on television. Love your own body and not someone elses. Beauty is what you define it to be for yourself, not what anyone else trys to convince you it is.
Use Music For Motivation
Whether you're starting a business, an aspiring actress/actor, singer/songwriter, etc. staying juiced up on motivation is hard. So what exactly can you do to stay pumped up? Listen to music. I do it all the time. I love listening to music that makes me want to dance and just feel good. It gets my spirits up, and I truly feel like I'm ready to take on anything. Not only can music lift your mood, but certain songs can take you back to a really good point in your life. It's important to relive these moments with the help of music, because it gives meaning and purpose to life, and reminds us why we shouldn't give up. Life is all about living it to the fullest and creating memorable times for ourself. Music is a great way to help us keep our eye on the prize. So next time you feel like giving up turn on your radio, and listen to music that makes you feel good and take you back to a really great time in your life. Remember, music is one of our best sources of motivation.
Take A Break From Reality Television
Let's all admit it, reality television has truly taken over, and it "ain't" going no where anytime soon. With all the shows out there like,The Hills, Flavor of Love, and, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, it's hard to break away from television. I myself am a huge fan. It's fun to watch and entertaining for many. However, there comes a time when we all have to break away from these shows, and do something in our lives that is beneficial. Meaning, while you're watching people on television fulfilling there reality television dreams, we should ask ourselves if we're wasting time being glued to the shows. Just like these people are making there money you should too. So cut back on the amount of time your sacrificing in your life watching reality tv. Spend this time focusing on accomplishing your dreams and goals. Who knows maybe we'll be watching you soon on your own reality show.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Summers Almost Here...
Summer is almost here, and therefore I'm encouraging men and women to get in shape. Not just because it's summer, but because what more better way to motivate yourself to get healthy on the inside and out, than by shedding a few pounds to look good in the season when we bare a little more skin. I myself have created a weekly exercise plan, which consist of crunches, sit ups, running, and a little bit of yoga. Don't get me wrong it's hard to keep a consistent work out plan, but once you begin to see the results, you'll find that all the motivation you need to keep going. Grab a friend or family member to exercise with you, this will make things a little more fun and a little less boring. Whatever you have to do to start getting in shape go for it...because summers almost here!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Taking A Break From Tooting Your Horn
For a person like me who really isn't into boasting and bragging hearing others tooting their horns "all the time" can be a little annoying. I know for a fact we all know someone who is guilty of being a "tooter addict." What I've learned is that when people have to convince you that their lives are so fabulous and wonderful chances are there is something missing. For those of us, who don't toot alot it just means that we are comfortable with who we are and what we have, and it doesn't matter if other people don't always notice, because we know for ourselves. Therefore, we don't have to waste our breath telling people all the time. We all like to brag here and there, but when you do it on a daily basis this can get on peoples nerve, and make them not want to be around you. Now, for those who brag alot, I know you're thinking if a person doesn't want to be around me, because I talk about what I got, that means their jealous. This is so untrue. This just means stop talking about yourself long enough to learn about others, and what great things they have going for themselves. Remember, it's okay "sometimes" to let others know...hey look at what I got, done, have, or will have. Just be aware that you're not doing it all the time and especially to the same people. By doing things this way you give others the opportunity to feel happy for you, and not annoyed because you're tooting a bragging horn in their ear constantly. One last thing, to all those "tooter addicts," next time you brag make sure it's worth boasting about.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Working Hard Can Burn You Out
Something we must all learn in life is to take a break. Even if it's just for a day or two. I consider myself to be a workaholic, and haven't been on a vacation in about three years. However, I do try to take a few days to relax even if it means in the comfort of my own home. When we work-work-work, and don't free our minds of the everyday hustle and bustle, things can begin to take a toll on us. Our attitudes towards others suddenly goes from nice to don't bother me. If we deal with customers on a regular basis we can begin to lose that good customer service we owe to the people who help pay our bills. Above all though, being burnt out can affect the relationships you have with your family, friends, and whoever else is significant in your life. I've been burnt out quite a few times, and the people who are closest to me usually feel the wraft of my tiredness. Luckily, they know how to keep me in check, and let me know in so many words when it's time to take a breather. Remember, theres nothing wrong with being a hardworker. I think finding a balance between work and relaxation is one of the keys to avoiding getting burnt out...as well making time for yourself not just others.
Interviews Can Be A Piece Of Cake
If you're like many of us you have gone on aleast one interview in your life, and if you haven't you will one day (unless you're super lucky). Interviewing can be stressful and cause many of us anxiety. The more interviews you go on, the easier it gets, but lets face it we all worry about them. From my own personal experiences with interviewing, I hate them, but I love them. It's like going on a blind date you don't know who you will meet, at the same time this could be a life changing moment for you. So just how can you get over the anxiety and stress of interviewing? Well for me, I notice that usually I'm more confident when I interview for a job of a field I'm experienced in or that relates to my degree. I've never worked in a doctors office as an assistant. Therefore, chances are you won't find me seeking an assistant position in a doctors office. This doesn't mean you can't take chances, and every position you seek to get you've gotta have experience within that field. However, all I'm saying is if I have no interest whatsoever in a certain position nor experience, I'm not going to bother trying to get it. When you interview for a job you want and are familiar with, it really makes you more motivated and confident. I try to go into every interview prepared and comfortable. This means wearing clothing that I feel relaxed in, but at the same time is suitable for the position I'm trying to get. When the person interviewing me questions me, I try to answer truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. Trust me you don't want to lie during an interview, I've done it before,and people can sense when you're lying. You stumble upon your words, you ask for the question to be repeated, and you take a long time answering. It doesn't look good. Usually, I try to ask the interviewer questions as well, like how do they like working for the company, what challenges do I have to look forward to facing if I get the position, etc. This takes the heat off of me, and makes the interviewer have to think, so they don't just sit, and grill me the whole time. Being down to earth is probably the best advice I could give. People know when you're being yourself. Think about how many people the human resources department or hiring manager interviews. They can tell when someone is being fake. If you're not being yourself, the answers you give them they will have heard a thousand times before. We are all unique in our own special way, and that's really what we have to bring to the table at interviews uniqueness. Don't be afraid to take charge of the interview, and sound like you already have the position. If you want a job go in there and take it, and don't let the person sitting in front of you, asking a thousand questions intimidate you. Remember, they had to go through the same process to get where they are sitting, and that tough attitude some of them possess is just a front to hide their insecurities. Interviewers know what it feels like, and just like you're nervous so are they. Look the person interviewing you in the eye at all times. This shows them you aren't scared or wasting their time and you mean business. To all who will interview....good luck, and don't forget nothing stands in the way of you getting a job you want but yourself.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
What Can Change Buy You
In regards to my earlier post "Save Your Change," I began to think about the things a little change can buy you (in an effort to convince those who think saving change is a waste of time). Well lets see...in applying this to my life, I thought about how just a month ago I was looking around for pricing on starting up my very own website. I came across places where for around $5.00 a month you can start up your very own website. Some places even offer you a 30 day free trial. So getting back to saving change, just by saving 17 cents a day for thirty days you'd have saved $5.10 which would cover the cost of the website. I also thought about gym memberships. Alot of us, would love to join one, but we don't have the money. Where I live a gym membership can run you roughly around $25-$30 bucks amonth. Now if you can scrape together 85 cents-$1.00 a day that would pay the cost of a gym membership ranging between $25 and $30 dollars after saving for 30 days. When I was little me and my sister would save our change to buy Christmas gifts for our parents. Saving change for the holidays is a great idea. By scraping up dimes, nickels, and pennies and saving $30.00 a month in change you can save well over $300.00 in a twelve month period, and use this money for gift shopping. If you live on a tight budget saving change can be a great way to make you feel like you're not completely broke. After you save up spare change treat your family to a movie or dinner. There really is an unlimited amount of possibilities as to what change can buy you.
Save That Change
One of the greatest tips I could ever give anyone is to save money. Now if you're like me you probably like to spend money just as fast as you get it. However, there will come a day and trust there will when you'll experience a rainy day. A year ago I started collecting spare change I found around my house, in my purse, car, clothes, wherever I could possibly think change might be. When I started off I only had a little box of change, but a year later the box was full. Throughout, that year of saving I found much use for the change I was saving. My nephew would come to visit me, and he would always ask me if he could have some money to buy treats at lunch or to purchase something at the bookstore. Now, while I could have reached into my purse or pockets to fork him over some cash, I instead would pull out the box of change. My nephew was fascinated over all the change (especially the quarters). I would let him reach in the box and grab some change, and he'd be so thrilled. The box of change came in handy when I wanted to grab a morning juice, before work, or buy a snack for lunch. So, I'm sure you're asking yourself right now how did you save change if you were using it at the same time. The key was that I didn't always go into the box of change, I only used it when I really needed to. Whenever, I spotted even a penny anywhere I'd grab it and throw it in the box. By saving change I would also help myself save money, because I'm not using new earned cash everytime I want to give my nephew money or buy a newspaper, snack, etc. Remember, you can always save up change and go to the bank and cash it in for money. When my sister got married she and her husband took a cruise. She had been saving her change, and right before they left she cashed in the saved change and used the money to take on their honeymoon. You really can do whatever you want with the change you save. I think the thing to remember is change is money. Don't get discouraged if you're not saving as quickly as you'd like the key is patience. The more your change begins to mutiply the easier saving it gets.
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