Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Get Some Organization In Your Life

Clutter can clutter the mind. Making it hard to concentrate and focus on important things. We all are disorganized in some way or another unless we are a complete neat freak. Organizing your life can be one of the best things you do for yourself. When you live and work in a totally disfunctional space, its hard to accomplish tasks and you waste time. If your desk at work is a complete mess or in your home office, nine times out of ten you probably are always searching for things when you need to find it. Thus, slowing up how much you can get done in one day. If your room is a complete mess, chances are it takes you a longer time to get ready for work than someone who has a clean room. You can begin to organize your life, by getting rid of all the trash you've managed to collect over the years that serve no point in your life anymore. Clean your living quarters so that you can manage day to day life better. I bet once you become clutter free, you will feel like you've just lifted a weight off your shoulder, and like you've started a new chapter in your life.

Love Your Body

People come in all shapes in sizes. Learning how to love your body can be a hard thing to do. Especially, when the media feeds us with unrealistic perceptions of what beauty truly is. Whether you're a size 2 or 22, embrace your body. A good way to begin loving your body, is by starting to treat your body with respect. This means eating healthy and excercising regularly. Once, you lay a healthy foundation for yourself you will begin to feel good about who you are. Stop buying into what you see in magazines and on television. Love your own body and not someone elses. Beauty is what you define it to be for yourself, not what anyone else trys to convince you it is.

Use Music For Motivation

Whether you're starting a business, an aspiring actress/actor, singer/songwriter, etc. staying juiced up on motivation is hard. So what exactly can you do to stay pumped up? Listen to music. I do it all the time. I love listening to music that makes me want to dance and just feel good. It gets my spirits up, and I truly feel like I'm ready to take on anything. Not only can music lift your mood, but certain songs can take you back to a really good point in your life. It's important to relive these moments with the help of music, because it gives meaning and purpose to life, and reminds us why we shouldn't give up. Life is all about living it to the fullest and creating memorable times for ourself. Music is a great way to help us keep our eye on the prize. So next time you feel like giving up turn on your radio, and listen to music that makes you feel good and take you back to a really great time in your life. Remember, music is one of our best sources of motivation.

Take A Break From Reality Television

Let's all admit it, reality television has truly taken over, and it "ain't" going no where anytime soon. With all the shows out there like,The Hills, Flavor of Love, and, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, it's hard to break away from television. I myself am a huge fan. It's fun to watch and entertaining for many. However, there comes a time when we all have to break away from these shows, and do something in our lives that is beneficial. Meaning, while you're watching people on television fulfilling there reality television dreams, we should ask ourselves if we're wasting time being glued to the shows. Just like these people are making there money you should too. So cut back on the amount of time your sacrificing in your life watching reality tv. Spend this time focusing on accomplishing your dreams and goals. Who knows maybe we'll be watching you soon on your own reality show.